How Pakistanis reacted to Imran-Trump meeting might blow you away!
When Khan met the President Trump, everything changed. Here’s how the Pakistani Internet responded:
[1] Just L O L:

[2] Looks like someone is loving Imran Khan’s style:

[3] These guys had a small nostalgia!

[4] Oops! This guy Just reminded us of the U-Turn:

[5] This American welcomed Imran Khan and critised her own President:

[6] The Naya Pakistan housing scheme, LOL:

[7] Imraaan Jani vs Modi:

[8] The Back-bencher meme is also here:

[9] Truth Bombs!

[10] Some more Isolation:

[11] Pakistani Sub-Reddit:

[12] Some more for Melania:

[13] That’s True:

[14] Definitely, definitely Khan is winning!

[15] Is Melania seriously giving hints??

[16] Khan’s Jaan nasheer on Tik Tok:

[17] The never ending Indian obsession with Pakistan:

[18] This guys have figured it allll:

[19] What our Qasim Bhai aka Gulsher from Alpha Bravo Charlie has to say:

[20] I.. Can’t… LMAO